In this video, we are starting from scratch to learn Java with Özgür Kaya. Especially after this training, you will be able to start to develop Java automation projects from scratch or more professionally.
- What is Java? Why Java?
- How does it work?
- OOP — What is Object Oriented Programming?
- JDK and IntelliJ IDEA setup
- Managing project dependencies with Maven build and pom.xml
- Variables and variable types
- If / Else / Else if conditional statements
- And, Or, Not Operators
- Switch — Case Control Structure
- Comment lines and Print Statements
- String, integer, boolean, date-time operations and null concepts
- Loops
- Functions (with or without parameters)
- Local or Global variables
- Error handling (try-catch)
- POM (Page Object Model)
- and much more…
Youtube Webinar video: